Presentation of UMNAGRI : Union Maghrébine et de l’Afrique du Nord des Agriculteurs :
is a regional farmer organization with a professional vocation, benefiting of a legal and financial autonomy, based in Tunis , and constituted of the following members:
Union Nationale des Paysans Algériens (UNPA)
Central Agricultural Cooperative Union (CACU)
Syndicat Général des Agriculteurs et Eleveurs Libyens
Fédération Mauritanienne de l’Agriculture
Union Marocaine de l’Agriculture (UMA)
Sudanese Farmers and Pastoralists Union
Union Tunisienne de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (UTAP)
Le Président :
Mr. Alioui Mohammed, President of the “Union Nationale des Paysans Algériens (UNPA)” since January 2013.
The Secretary General :
Mrs. Rim Ferchichi, She ensures the international cooperation and is in charge of:
Preparing, monitoring and evaluating the development projects.
Organizing conferences and workshops related to agriculture.
Organizing and participating in trade fairs and agricultural shows.
Creation and Constitution Stages :
May 21st,1989 : is the date of creation of the Arab Maghreb Union of Farmers, which headed since its creation the national organizations of the five countries belonging to the “UMA” namely Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia.
Year 2007 : Members have decided to activate the role of UMAGRI during the conference held in Tunis, where a convention has been signed postulating that the headquarters of the Union is the Tunisian Republic. It was also agreed to establish and implement joint work plans. Then and in the framework of the effective activation of the Union role, an independent headquarter and administrative unit were established. This cell was behind the preparation of the necessary legal record of the union that led to the signing of an agreement of seat with the Republic of Tunisia.
Year 2010 : Recognition of UMAGRI as a regional agricultural network representing North Africa, a thing that allowed it to be a founding member of the Pan African Farmers Organization PAFO.
Year 2013 : As part of the expansion of the Arab Maghreb Union of Farmers and its restructuration, the door has been opened to membership in favor of other countries in North Africa during the ordinary session of its assembly which was held in the capital of Algeria in January 2013, therefore two Egyptian and Sudanese agricultural organizations joined the Union of north African Farmers, which now accounts 7 countries.
Year 2014 : At the Annual Meeting held in the Kingdom of Morocco, the organization was renamed The Maghreb Union and North Africa Farmers. UMNAGRI was legally and institutionally recognized by the Republic of Tunisia as headquarter;and efforts are underway to strengthen its presence in Tunisia. At the regular meeting held in the capital of Algeria, it was decided to appoint a new chairman in order to emphasize the spirit of alternation at the Presidency, the head of the union.
Chart :
The union consists of the following structures :
. The General Assembly : is the supreme authority of the Union it has full authority to manage the Union and to set its tasks, its objectives and its regulation. The meeting is held once every three years in alternation with the other member countries.
The Central Council : It is the second structure after the Assembly in terms of influence and authority, which manages the policy and programs of the Union, between the two institutions; It meets once a year, and the president refers to the central council to present the activities of the Union.
President :is the representative of the organization. The duration of the presidency is the period between the two assemblies, with alternation between member organizations.
The Secretary-General : Appointed by the President after the approval of the Central Council, he/she is responsible for the implementation of the policy of the Union, and the management of its affairs. It is primarily responsible of the administration, and is assisted by an administrative cell working in accordance to functional standards.
The functions of UMNAGRI :
Representing its members to regional and international organizations.
Working in coordination with member organizations to defend their interests and those of their members, ensuring the adoption of common policies in the agricultural sector.
Working in order to open markets between the countries of member organizations, and the removal of barriers and the Customs duties.
Working on the exchange of skills and human resources among members.
Encouraging scientific research and employment opportunities in agriculture, aiming to develop this sector.
Promoting investment between the countries of member organizations and facilitating communication and exchange of successful experiences among all structures related to agricultural development.
Encouraging the sharing of skills and information technology and the development of communications both internally and externally.
Status :
Member Organisations :
Union Tunisienne de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (UTAP).
Fédération Mauritanienne de l’Agriculture.
Union Marocaine de l’Agriculture (UMA).
Union Nationale des Paysans Algériens (UNPA).
The General Union of Farmers and Breeders in Libya.
Presentation of Maghreb Union
Presentation of UMNAGRI : Union Maghrébine et de l’Afrique du Nord des Agriculteurs :
is a regional farmer organization with a professional vocation, benefiting of a legal and financial autonomy, based in Tunis , and constituted of the following members:
Le Président :
Mr. Alioui Mohammed, President of the “Union Nationale des Paysans Algériens (UNPA)” since January 2013.
The Secretary General :
Mrs. Rim Ferchichi, She ensures the international cooperation and is in charge of:
Creation and Constitution Stages :
At the regular meeting held in the capital of Algeria, it was decided to appoint a new chairman in order to emphasize the spirit of alternation at the Presidency, the head of the union.
Chart :
The union consists of the following structures :
The functions of UMNAGRI :
Status :
Member Organisations :
2014-2016 Strategic Plan :
Site map